Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006
Camera Buff
A family man and factory worker picks up an 8mm movie camera to document his daughter's birth, but soon finds himself caught between self-expression, artistry, and censorship in this remarkable satire on the thrill of moviemaking and the responsibility of the artist. “The odds are against honest people in the world,” declares a character to the kindhearted Filip (Jerzy Stuhr), but that won't stop him from openly filming the world around him. An “invitation” to shoot a factory celebration soon opens Filip's eyes to the powers of film, especially after his boss starts suggesting that “certain cuts” are in order. His naturalist eye wins a filmmaking contest in Warsaw, but his passion soon takes him further from his family, and towards further trouble with the authorities. Full of references to Kieslowski's own career, Camera Buff is a down-to-earth film on lofty topics (censorship, co-optation, creativity), but most of all it's a movie about cinema, its passions, its powers, and its traps.
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