No End

Made after the crackdown on the Solidarity movement and during martial law, No End illustrates with almost palpable pain the country's outlook, which for Kieslowski “was a defeat for everyone; we all just bowed our heads.” A political precursor to Three Colors: Blue, the film concerns Ulla (Grazyna Szapolowska), a young woman whose husband has just been killed in an automobile accident. Like Julie in Blue, Ulla is overshadowed by her more famous spouse; here, he was a lawyer known for aiding dissident workers. Hoping to help the wife of his remaining client, a jailed labor activist, Ulla turns to an about-to-retire judge, and to the ghostly presence of her husband. Deeply pessimistic, No End connects a personal loss to a national tragedy, and mourns for all. While scouting courtrooms for ideas, Kieslowski met a lawyer named Krzysztof Piesiewicz, who would script this work and all the director's future films.

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