
“‘Cría cuervos y te sacaran los ojos': ‘Bring up crows and they'll pick your eyes out.' Carlos Saura's moving Cria! - the title comes from a Spanish proverb - is full of the graphic warning signals caught in childhood.... Set in Madrid, it is about a little girl called Ana... played by Ana Torrent. She has the kind of gravity that adults who don't properly remember childhood disbelieve in, thinking that the only true child is the one who climbs trees and raids the icebox. Ana is a witness. She is on watch.... Death surrounds the child in this paradoxically sunlit, gentle film.... As with many composed people, it is to her that the most disquieting things happen.” (Penelope Gilliatt, New Yorker) Believing that she holds the power of life and death over those who surround her, Ana decides to poison her father, and summons her dead mother in order to relive their intense and complex relationship. Geraldine Chaplin plays the mother as well as the adult Ana.

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