Wednesday, Apr 16, 2008
8:30 pm
It'$ Only Money
Jerry Lewis is Lester March, a TV repairman and would-be detective without a clue—call him Sherlock Jr., Jr. Inspired by admiration for a private-eye friend and too many detective novels, Lester sets out to solve a televised mystery: a wealthy spinster (Mae Questel of Betty Boop fame) is searching for her long-lost nephew and heir, whose ancestral portrait bears an uncanny resemblance to Lester himself. A crooked lawyer and a sinister butler impede the hapless sleuth's progress with a series of near-fatal interventions. Recruited to direct an already prepared production, Tashlin brought to it his typical flair for reality-defying gags (try parallel parking à la Lewis), mock-Hitchcock cinematography, and a fascination with the perils of modern technology, from vacuum cleaners run amok to a platoon of man-eating lawnmowers to, of course, television.
—Juliet Clark
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