Sunday, Jun 1, 2008
Marathon Screening
How soon we forget. Now best known for technologically astute feature films and interactive gallery incursions, Lynn Hershman Leeson's career can be traced back to a substantial body of inventively prophetic video works. Beginning in the later seventies with single-channel works intimately tied to her performance activities, Hershman set out on a remarkable path as an “organic transponder,” divining and relaying an electronic sense of the world, whether as “diary” or technological environ. Her “Electronic Diaries” formalized video's use as a strikingly expressive confessional medium, while her growing fascination with new media forecast the penetration of everyday life by the cybernetic. This eight-hour extravaganza of electronic excess immerses the viewer in Hershman's formidable body of work, yet through its sheer scale allows the viewer to come and go while still experiencing the full prophetic tenor of her imagination. Throughout the marathon, Hershman will appear as her avatar for a virtual conversation.
A PFA ticket purchased for Lynn Hershman Leeson: Virtually Everything, Virtually will give you free Sunday admission to the BAM galleries to see Berkeley Big Bang artists Scott Snibbe, Jim Campbell, and Trevor Paglen.
This program is presented as part of Lifen (Life to the power of n), a project of BAM/PFA, the de Young Museum, The Hess Collection, New Langton Arts, SFMOMA, and 01SJ: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge at the San Jose Museum of Art. For information, please visit www.life-n.net.
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