Sunday, Jul 1, 1979
4:00 PM
The Ballet of Othello
Admission: $1.50
“The Soviet-made Ballet of Othello bulges with sound, fury, color and high-geared theatricality - all, of course, signifying Shakespeare....
“There is not one spoken syllable of Shakespeare's text. Nor is it pure ballet, since dancing, pantomime and plain gymnastics are in about equal portions. But it is rich and visual to suit the movie camera, and it's quite a show.
“The Gruzi production comes from Tiflis, with the Georgia State Ballet Company, headed by Mr. Chabukiani, as star as well as director....
“The surprise of the picture is that for all the footwork, the emotional crescendo of the plot, perfectly easy to follow, rises right along with the conductor's baton. And Alexei Machavariani's score is a stunning dramatic pulse - sinuous, barbed, bombastic and tender in turn.
“...As director, Mr. Chabukiani hasn't stinted.... it's Shakespeare with electricity.”
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