Thursday, Oct 22, 2009
8:40 pm
The Sacred Family
This beautifully acted, emotionally raw film dissects the Chilean nuclear family. Upper-middle-class couple Marco and Soledad take the long Easter holiday as an opportunity to meet their son Marco's new girlfriend, Sofia. The four convene at the family's seaside property for a retreat from bustling Santiago. Generational differences immediately come to the fore: little Marco, an architecture student, annoys his father by blasting rock music, while big Marco annoys his son with talk of tradition. “We're all Catholics in Chile,” the father says. Sofia is decidedly not, however: a theater student with an arsenal of drugs stashed in her suitcase, she is far more likely to quote the I Ching than the Bible. Soledad's return to the city destroys the fragile equilibrium, bringing out the rivalry between father and son, which seductive Sofia exacerbates. Enter a trio of little Marco's friends, who further complicate the claustrophobic drama unfolding on the edge of majestic coastal bluffs.
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