Tuesday, Apr 10, 2012
7 pm
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
You want bombshells? said Hawks's musical comedy to the American public; I'll give you Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell dressed as some kind of sequined Amazons. You want Technicolor? I'll blind you with brash reds and lurid purples. You want money? I'll give you diamonds! Russell and Monroe are two golddiggers on sabbatical from Little Rock who prove that big rocks are a girl's best friend. The film's satire on the vulgarity of it all exposes a world of caricatures-Russell even dons a blonde wig at one point, to pass as Monroe-but Hawks is good-natured: he looks, but does not judge, and even admires his two professional Women, just as we cannot fail to admire Russell and Monroe, who excel at a smiling send-up of themselves.
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