The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower

With one foot planted in the historical, and the other in the hysterical, Ralph Carney has spent the better part of his life plotting a singular path through the musical landscape, including collaborations with The Black Keys and Tom Waits. From his earliest sonic forays in new wave to his current “serious jass” projects, the Ohio-bred reedman has blown up storm after storm-leaving trails of pleasure in his wake. He will perform with like-minded fringe-dwellers from his adopted Bay Area home.

(Le mystère de la tour Eiffel). A palate cleanser for those who found Spielberg's Tintin wanting, Julien Duvivier's late-silent adventure masterpiece served as an inspiration for the original Tintin comics, and delivers much of the same charm, inventiveness, and visual delight. Le mystère de la tour Eiffel traces the escapades of carnival worker / millionaire heir Achilles Saturnin as he battles the international crime syndicate known as the Ku-Klux-Eiffel. Flying wildly from mountain peaks to the pinnacle of the Eiffel Tower, this is a film obsessed with the aerial view. We are pleased to be screening the Nederlands Filmmuseum's restored 35mm print, the only known copy of this rare film.

Ken Ueno, Matt Ingals, and Hadley MacCarroll regret that they will not be able to perform as previously scheduled.

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