Saturday, Sep 7, 2013
8:30 pm
The Furies
This tumbleweed noir is filled with leathered longing and rawhide, played out not on the jingle-jangle plains but a Freudian frontier. Egotistical land baron T.C. Jeffords (wily Walter Huston) runs a vast ranch, The Furies. His daughter Vance (Barbara Stanwyck in full fume) has been reared to be strong-willed like her adored dad yet the bewhiskered coot barely acknowledges her. When she is run off the ranch, Vance becomes the rustic version of a Fury, goddess of retribution. Only Rip Darrow (Wendell Corey), a money-grubbing gambler, is a match for Stanwyck's smoldering self-assertion-he knows when to fold ‘em.
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