Nathaniel Wojtalik
United States, b. 1983
Artwork website: Smithereens
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Remixing: 24h00
Collection of the artist
Nathaniel Wojtalik and collaborator Iris Piers (Netherlands, b. 1983) re-perform 24h00 as Smithereens, a twenty-four-hour transatlantic video mash-up and Internet performance. During the performance, for twenty-four continuous hours prior to the opening of this exhibition, the two artists roamed their respective continents and sent a constant stream of still images, video, and sounds from their cell phones to a central server that in turn influenced their movements in an interactive telematic dance. The artists' custom software sifts through the resulting media detritus during the exhibition, comparing the results side by side as in an art history lesson, seeking a meaningful connection, even a transcendent moment, amid the fragments of a day.
Iris Piers
Artist Bio:
Nathaniel Wojtalik is currently living as an itinerant observer. Lacking any specific home, he lives and creates nomadically. Having a history in creating interactive sound and video art, as well as various performance- and object-based compositions, his life as a flâneur isolates him to the point that he becomes a detached observer in a world that relinquishes itself to a lonely individuality, to the transitory and the ephemeral.
Artists' websites: