Quest for a Long-Lost Husband

(Haiwai xunfu)
(A Forgotten Wife)

Digital Restoration

  • Introduction by

    Yingjin Zhang is a professor of modern Chinese literature at UC San Diego.


Wang Dafeng, Lee Ching, Lo Wei, Lan Qing,

A fascinating glimpse of the Chinese diaspora across southeast Asia, this Hong Kong production follows a wayward husband through Southern China and Thailand, and the travails of the sorrowful wife he leaves behind. Economics force a just-married man to Thailand for work, but a chance meeting with a wealthy woman ensures that he quickly forgets all about his new wife. Soon he’s living large in bow-ties and mansions, while she remains surrounded by poverty and sickness, caring for their rapidly ailing son. Never before shown in the US, this impressive melodrama captures the fears of a rapidly changing, rapidly dividing society.

Jason Sanders
  • Si-ma Wen-sen
  • Lo Kwan-hung
  • Mandarin
  • with English electronic titling
Print Info
  • B&W
  • DCP
  • 116 mins
  • China Film Archive