Afterimage: Walter Murch in Conversation

November 6–20, 2021

Walter Murch, whose accomplishments have earned him respect and praise as “the film editor’s editor” and “a sound and image guru,” is our guest for Afterimage, sharing his wisdom on editing and sound design in three in-depth conversations.

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  • The Conversation

  • Apocalypse Now: Final Cut

  • Coup 53

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  • Coup 53

    • Saturday, November 20 7 PM
    Taghi Amirani
    United Kingdom, 2019

    This fascinating investigation into the 1953 Anglo-American coup d’état in Iran that displaced democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh and installed the despotic Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as shah is “passionate and fearless” (Hollywood Reporter).

    Walter Murch and Mark Danner in Conversation

  • Apocalypse Now: Final Cut

    • Saturday, November 13 6 PM
    Francis Ford Coppola
    United States, 1979/2019

    This version of Apocalypse Now, prepared for the fortieth anniversary of Francis Ford Coppola’s Vietnam War saga, “is, in terms of storytelling and scope, a completely different trip up the river, through your acid-fried skull, and into the heart of darkness” (Rolling Stone).

    Walter Murch and Pat Jackson in Conversation

  • The Conversation

    • Saturday, November 6 7 PM
    Francis Ford Coppola
    United States, 1974

    BAMPFA Collection
    35mm IBTech Print

    Gene Hackman plays a crack wiretapper in over his head in Francis Ford Coppola’s Cannes Grand Prize–winning formalist exercise in paranoia, set in 1970s San Francisco, where—much like today—privacy is elusive and technology can work both for and against you. 

    Walter Murch and Fyodor Urnov in Conversation