
Alternate title(s):
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Date: January 01, 1989 to December 31, 1989
Dates Note: 1989
Country of Origin: Yugoslavia
Place of Origin: Yugoslavia
Languages: Slovenian , Serbo-Croatian , English
Color: Color
Silent: No
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
The People Are Present: Films of Želimir Žilnik

The aged rocker Igor works at the Radio Študent in Ljubljana. He notices that the janitor works for the police, wiretapping the walls and observing the journalists who are critical of the regime. Igor decides to leave for Greece, and traveling through Yugoslavia, he becomes involved in unexpected turmoil: Milošević’s “antibureaucratic revolution.” “In Oldtimer, Žilnik captures Milošević’s rise to power while reinventing the road movie genre so that any movement in it henceforth equals deterioration and falsehood, pairing fellow travelers at random and splitting them up just as arbitrarily. Made possible only in a land on the brink of disintegration” (Boris Nelepo).


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