Saturday, Mar 8, 2025
2:30–3:30 PM
Roundtable Reading / ¡Roundtable Reading Bilingüe! Voyage of the Dogs/Perronautas by Greg Van Eekhout
Recommended for ages 7 and up with accompanying adult(s)
Reading led by
Librarian, West Contra Costa Unified School District
At Roundtable Reading, young readers read aloud to one another from the opening pages of a good book. Children who participate will receive a copy of the book to continue reading at home. No advance sign-up needed; just show up promptly at 2:30 ready to read!
About the Book
Ladito, Campeona, Bicho, and Margarita are Barkonauts, dogs especially trained to help human astronauts on missions in space. They and the crew aboard the spaceship Laika are on their way to set up an outpost on a distant planet. When the mission takes a disastrous turn, the Barkonauts on board suddenly find themselves completely alone on their severely damaged ship. Survival seems impossible. But these dogs are Barkonauts, and Barkonauts always complete their mission!
Acerca del libro
Ladito, Campeona, Bicho, and Margarita son Perronautas, perros especialmente entrenados para ayudar a los astronautas en misiones espaciales. Ellos y la tripulación humana a bordo de la astronave Laika viajan por el universo para formar una colonia especial en un planeta distante. Pero la misión se complica, y de repente los Perronautas se encuentran completamente solos en una nave gravemente dañada. La supervivencia parece imposible. Pero estos valientes caninos son Perronautas, ¡y los Perronautas siempre cumplen su misión!
Event Accessibility
If you have any questions about accessibility or need accommodations to attend this event, please contact us at bampfa@berkeley.edu or (510) 642-1412 (Wed–Sun, 11 AM–7 PM) as soon as you can. Advance notice helps us fulfill your request.
Learn more about accessibility services at BAMPFA.