
Alternate title(s):
Foreign Title:
Date: January 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021
Dates Note: 2021
Country of Origin: Romania
Place of Origin: Romania
Languages: Romanian , Engish
Color: Color
Silent: No
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
65th San Francisco International Film Festival at BAMPFA

Wryly funny and suspenseful, this Cannes hit portrays a trio of Romanian aid workers (Dan, Maria, and Ilinca) whose SUV gets stuck on a logging road in remote Transylvania. Their day begins genially enough, but the journey takes a turn for the worse after they give a lift to a desperate old man that detours through the woods. As the day darkens, camaraderie between the threesome turns to sniping, and Dan leaves the women behind to get help. Matters intensify when a driver reeking of booze and machismo stops to offer assistance. With nuanced characters and dialog, Radu Muntean’s film explores potent issues of bias and privilege by putting those whose very job is to give aid in need of aid themselves.


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