Carving the Divine: Buddhist Sculptors of Japan

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Date: January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020
Dates Note: 2020
Country of Origin: Japan , United States
Place of Origin: United States, Japan
Languages: Japanese
Color: Color
Silent: No
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
Artists on Film

A beautifully made film that examines the mentorship of Japanese sculptors, who learn the art of busshi through the master-apprentice relationship and continue a 1,400-year-old tradition. “Artworks depicting buddhas and bodhisattvas are wordless teachings. In their facial expressions and gestures, we can see what we’re aiming for in our lives and practice—be it compassion, equanimity, meditative focus, or even wise anger. But who are the people who create these contemplative artworks? In Carving the Divine, a new, award-winning documentary, we meet some of these artists. Specifically, we’re offered a rare and intimate look at the lives and artistic process of traditional Japanese wood carvers” (Andrea Miller, Lion’s Roar).


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