City life

Alternate title(s): City life, Poleshift, Polsprung, In Arcadia, Stadsjungles, The last boat, Urban jungles, Az utolsó hajó, Dakar - clando, Unheavenly city, Seven days a week, Siedem dni tygodwia, Disorder in progress, Calcutta, my Eldorado, Desordem em progresso, Calcutta, my El Dorado, Stones, storm and water, Thou shalt not speak evil, A short film about nothing, Eulalia - Marta April 1988, A short story about nothing, Eulalia - Marta, Abril 1988, Eulalia - Marta, April 1988, Una historia breve sobre nada, Stones, storm and water in Arcadia
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Date: January 01, 1990 to December 31, 1990
Dates Note: 1990
Country of Origin: Netherlands , Argentina , Brazil , Georgia , Germany , Hungary , India , Italy , Poland , Senegal , Spain , United States
Place of Origin: Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Georgia (Republic), Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland, Senegal, Spain, United States
Languages: Dutch , English , German , Hungarian , Italian , Polish , Portuguese , Russian , Spanish
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