The First Teacher

Alternate title(s):
Foreign Title: Pervyy uchitel
Date: January 01, 1966 to December 31, 1966
Dates Note: 1966
Country of Origin: USSR
Place of Origin: USSR
Languages: Russian
Color: B&W
Silent: No
Based On:
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
The Art of Cinematography

Andrei Konchalovsky’s debut feature is “expressed with a deft simplicity of style and rare quality of emotion” (Michel Ciment). The First Teacher spares no illusions in showing the hardships and hostility encountered by a former Red Army soldier in a rural Central Asian locale (today’s Kyrgyzstan), where he is sent to teach. Although he himself is not well educated, his strength is his belief in the new order. Cinematographer Georgi Rerberg (who also worked with Andrei Tarkovsky, among others) films the remote location and cast of many nonprofessional actors with an extraordinary eye for detail. This astonishingly beautiful film deserves to be better known.

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
Summer Repertory, BAMPFA Style

Andrei Konchalovsky’s debut feature is “expressed with a deft simplicity of style and rare quality of emotion” (Michel Ciment). The First Teacher spares no illusions in showing the hardships and hostility encountered by a former Red Army soldier in a rural Central Asian locale (today’s Kyrgyzstan), where he is sent to teach. Although he himself is not well educated, his strength is his belief in the new order. Konchalovsky, the grandson of Russian avant-garde painter Pyotr Konchalovsky, appears as an interview subject in Revolution: New Art for a New World, screening in our Limited Engagements series.



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