In the Image: Palestinian Women Capture the Occupation

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Date: January 01, 2014 to December 31, 2014
Dates Note: 2014
Country of Origin: Israel , Palestine , United States
Place of Origin: United States, Israel, Palestine
Languages: English , Arabic , Hebrew
Color: Color
Silent: No
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
Berkeley Film Foundation: Celebrating Ten Years of Local Filmmaking

Films about Palestinian life under Israeli occupation appear in festivals around the world, but few are actually created by those living it. In the Image springs from a unique joint Israeli–Palestinian endeavor, The Camera Project, which gave video equipment to Palestinian women living in the occupied West Bank. Their day-to-day recordings capture both the mundane and the extraordinary, interpersonal struggles and political encounters, as well as abuse and harassment from Israeli settlers and soldiers. The project’s footage has been used in global news reports and viral YouTube feeds; beyond bearing witness, it’s also “an empowering outlet for the camerawomen-activists” (Cheryl Eddy, San Francisco Bay Guardian).


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