Laocoon & Sons: The Story of the Transformation of Esmeralda del Rio

Alternate title(s):
Foreign Title: Laokoon & Söhne: Die Verwandlungsgeschichte der Esmeralda del Rio
Date: January 01, 1972 to December 31, 1973
Dates Note: 1972–73
Country of Origin: Federal Republic of Germany
Place of Origin: West Germany
Languages: German
Color: B&W
Silent: No
Based On: A text by Chiquita Brook (Xavier Arrovuelo) and Ulrike Ottinger
Additional Info:

Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
East Meets West: The Films of Ulrike Ottinger

Ottinger’s debut film already contains many of the elements that would appear in her later works: an extraordinary woman, an unusual country, and a chain of magic transformations that give rise to eccentric characterizations by an ensemble cast, here featuring Tabea Blumenschein in multiple roles. Inspired by Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, Ottinger’s allegorical work explores themes of death, destruction, and resurrection. With striking camerawork reminiscent of the antics of avant-garde psychodramas, Laocoon & Sons is filled with an exuberant sense of life, myth, tradition, and magic.


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