The Longest Kiss

Alternate title(s):
Foreign Title: À jamais, pour toujours
Date: January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2013
Dates Note: 2013
Country of Origin: Canada
Place of Origin: Canada
Languages: English , Arabic , French
Color: Color
Silent: No
Based On:
Additional Info:

Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
African Film Festival 2016

“How can the land be lost when the future belongs to the Nile?” asks a protagonist in this poetic documentary on the present and future of Sudan, filmed during its split into Sudan and South Sudan. Profiling radio hosts, jilted lovers, former street kids, Sudanese Canadian returnees, Muslims and Christians, Arabs and Africans, and more, The Longest Kiss takes us up and down the Nile to capture the mood of a people and a region. Drawing upon the rich traditions of Arabic poetry and the eloquence of its own subjects, it moves beyond mere reporting to become a window into the new Sudan.

Jason Sanders

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