Untitled (a collection of 5 diagrams / floor plans / elevations)

    Michael Asher, United States

    Pencil and colored pencil on glassine and paper
    Pencil on glassine: 9 x 12 in.

    University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive; Purchase made possible through a bequest from Phoebe Apperson Hearst, by exchange, a partial gift of the Steven Leiber Trust, and gifts from Andy and Deborah Rappaport, Robin Wright, Frances Bowes, Alexandra Bowes, and proceeds from the Marcia Simon Weisman Foundation Fund and the Friends and Trustees Acquisitions Endowment Fund

    Untitled (a collection of 5 diagrams / floor plans / elevations)

    Barbara Munger, United States

    Pencil and colored pencil on glassine and paper
    Pencil on glassine: 9 x 12 in.

    University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive; Purchase made possible through a bequest from Phoebe Apperson Hearst, by exchange, a partial gift of the Steven Leiber Trust, and gifts from Andy and Deborah Rappaport, Robin Wright, Frances Bowes, Alexandra Bowes, and proceeds from the Marcia Simon Weisman Foundation Fund and the Friends and Trustees Acquisitions Endowment Fund