Woman and the Glacier

Alternate title(s):
Foreign Title:
Date: January 01, 2016 to December 31, 2016
Dates Note: 2016
Country of Origin: Estonia , Lithuania
Place of Origin: Lithuania, Estonia
Languages: Lithuanian , Russian
Color: B&W/Color
Silent: No
Based On:
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
Streaming: Picture a STEMinist

Observation supersedes explication in Audrius Stonys’s magnificent portrait of Lithuanian scientist Aušra Revutaite, who has spent more than thirty-five years on the Tuyuksu glacier in Kazahkstan studying the effects of climate change. Initially reluctant to be recorded, Revutaite finally agreed to participate in the film after seeing footage of the mountains shot by Stonys and his crew, and the imposing landscape steals the show. Alone in a vast wilderness, Revutaite barely speaks in the film; instead, this portrait of patience, persistence, and solitude allows us to share her view. 

Kate MacKay

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