Home Movie Day


This year we celebrate Home Movie Day with a compilation of recently discovered home movies from the 1930s and 1940s by Pullman porter Ernest Beane, who lived in Berkeley, accompanied by an original score performed by composer/bassist Marcus Shelby. We also include a selection of African American home movies from families in Richmond, Detroit, Omaha, and Seattle shot from the 1930s to the 1970s.

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  • Ernest Beane Home Movies and other African American Amateur Films

    Saturday, October 20 6:30 pm
    Ernest Beane (U.S., 1935–46). Introduced by Rick Moss and Pamela Jean Vadakan. Live music by Marcus Shelby Duo. To commemorate Home Movie Day, we present a compilation of recently discovered rare home movies by Pullman porter (and Ashby Avenue resident) Ernest Beane, with an original score by Marcus Shelby. Preceded by a selection of African American home movies from families in Richmond, Detroit, Omaha, and Seattle. (80 mins)
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