30 YearsThis year the Centre National de la Cinématographie, France's National Film Archives, based in Bois d'Arcy, celebrates thirty years. An important world resource in film preservation and restoration, the CNC houses one of the world's most extensive collections of French and international cinema. Our selection of films restored by the CNC includes not only gorgeous classics of French cinema such as Grémillon's Maldone and L'Herbier's L'Argent, as well as very rare experimental works, but a little-known Hollywood film by Edgar Ulmer, The Wife of Monte Cristo, which, if you've managed to see it before, probably never looked this good! 20002000A Tribute to France's Centre National de la Cinématographie was organized by Michelle Aubert, Curator, and Eric LeRoy, Head of the Programming Section, of the Archives du film et du depôt legal du centre national de la cinématographie. We also wish to thank, for their support, Emmanuel Delloye, Cultural Attaché, French Consulate, San Francisco; and Véronique Godard, French Cultural Services, New York.