In November, we presented The Blind Swordsman, one of three hour-long documentaries written and directed by John Nathan on contemporary Japan. Full Moon Lunch and Farm Song are the other two films from this remarkable series, about which the New York Times states: “Mr. Nathan has captured revealing moments in a highly stratified society experiencing subtle tremors of transition. He set out to demonstrate a simple truth which most Americans do not realize: that the Japanese are every bit as wise and foolish, as full of contradictions, as real and alive as we are. He has succeeded impressively.” As a student, teacher, writer and translator, John Nathan has lived more than ten years in Japan. He has written screenplays for leading Japanese film directors, and has acted on the Tokyo stage. His translations of the works of Yukio Mishima and Kenzaburo Oe, and his biography of Mishima, are major contributions to...