Women of Color Film Festival 2005

3/3/05 to 3/6/05

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Past Films

  • Outside the Box (Free Screening!)

    Thursday, March 3 5:30pm
    Artists in Person. Celebrating women's diverse abilities and desires.
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  • Bending the Beat

    Friday, March 4 7:30pm
    Artists in Person. Women bend traditional roles and invent alternative identities-skateboarder, cable car operator, poet, Brazilian drummer-in these inspiring shorts.
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  • Our Cosmos, Our Chaos

    Saturday, March 5 7:30pm
    Artists in Person. From Korea to Canada, India to San Francisco, displaced people seek new meanings of "home" in stirring shorts and a feature with Indian activist Arundhati Roy.
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  • Querida Familia

    Sunday, March 6 5:30pm
    Artists in Person. Daughters reach out to their families across boundaries of nation, culture, and even death in these moving works about the ties that bind.
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