Friday, Sep 14, 2018
7 PM (114 mins)
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(The Most Beautiful)
Imported 35mm Print
Anna Magnani, Walter Chiari, Tina Apicella, Alessandro Blasetti,
“What is acting after all?” Maddalena (Anna Magnani) rhetorically asks before the mirror in Visconti’s melodrama of mother love and misplaced ambition. Magnani’s extraordinary performance is its own answer. As a working-class mother desperate to get her young daughter a shot at stardom through a Cinecittà casting call, Magnani turns what might have been a simplistic caricature of a domineering stage mamma into a fully rendered character, both hilarious and tragically human. Visconti’s direction similarly refuses to distinguish between satire and sincerity; even while it mocks the business of moviemaking, Bellissima is an exquisite example of the filmmaker’s craft.
- Suso Cecchi D'Amico
- Francesco Rosi
- Luchino Visconti
Based On
a story by Cesare Zavattini
- Piero Portalupi
- Paul Ronald
- Italian
- with English subtitles
Print Info
- B&W
- 35mm
- 114 mins
- Cinecittà
- Movietime
CineFiles is an online database of BAMPFA's extensive collection of documentation covering world cinema, past and present.
View Bellissima documents
Bellissima (program note), Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, 2006
Bellissima (program note), San Francisco International Film Festival, 1995
Luchino Visconti: maestro of the movies (program note), Brooklyn Museum, 1992
Bellissima (distributor materials), Cinema Guild, 1985
Bellissima (review), Village Voice, Andrew Sarris, 1981
Bellissima (booklet), Kleine Filmkunstreihe, Die, 1960
Bellissima (review), Variety, Robert F. Hawkins, 1952
Bellissima (synopsis)
Bellissima (distributor materials), Cinema Guild
Bellissima (distributor materials), Distribution Sixteen
Displaying 10 of 15 publicly available documents.