• Calls from Moscow

  • Calls from Moscow

  • Roads of Lava

  • Roads of Lava

  • Calls from Moscow

Calls from Moscow


Eldis Botta, Juan Carlos Calderón, Daryl Acuña, Dariel Díaz,

Calls from Moscow follows four queer young Cuban migrants disrupted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, depicting their resilience and isolation through phone calls and remote work. As Mayté Madruga noted, “[Luis Alejandro] Yero presents the cell phone as a real and symbolic tool, through which we glimpse the psychology of his characters, and links this with the social importance that this technology and Internet connection has had in Cuba in recent years.” After its premiere at Berlinale, this feature observational documentary, censored within Cuba, has gained recognition worldwide as one of the most striking documentaries of contemporary Cuban cinema.

Lázaro González
  • Luis Alejandro Yero
  • María Grazia Goya
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • English
  • with English subtitles
Print Info
  • Color
  • DCP
  • 65 mins
  • Cosmic Films
Preceded By

Roads of Lava

Gretel Marín, Cuba, 2022

Roads of Lava portrays Afibola—a queer, Black, feminist activist in Havana—educating her son about the harsh realities of discrimination. While preparing him for societal prejudice, she instills hope for a dignified future.

  • Spanish
  • with English subtitles
Print Info
  • Color
  • Digital
  • 28 mins
  • Gretel Marín

Event Accessibility

If you have any questions about accessibility or require accommodations to participate in this event, please contact us at bampfa@berkeley.edu or call us at (510) 642-1412 (during open hours) with as much advance notice as possible. More information on accessibility services.