Journey into the Night

(Der Gang in die Nacht)

Digital Restoration

  • Judith Rosenberg
    On Piano

The Munich Filmmuseum’s team has created one of the most beautiful editions of a silent film I’ve ever seen.

David Bordwell

Olaf Fønss, Erna Morena, Conrad Veidt, Gudrun Bruun Steffensen,

Proof of Vaccination Required

Starting December 1, ticket holders will be required to provide proof of vaccination for entry into the Barbro Osher Theater.

This reconstruction of the earliest surviving F. W. Murnau film—long lost, and then existing only in a partial print—represents a major rediscovery of a work that, even upon its release, was hailed as a milestone in the art of cinema. The story, involving a tortured triangle between a doctor, his wife, and the patient he cures of blindness, is reflected in a brilliant use of natural imagery. Written by Carl Mayer, the treatment, with its wealth of psychological detail, was recognized as an early entry into the Kammerspiel-film. Film historian Lotte H. Eisner, in her book Murnau, cited a Murnau contemporary, the critic Willy Haas: “(Haas) speaks of a certain ineffable musical quality in the film. . . . Carl Mayer’s evocative script, at once simple and exquisitely subtle, shows him to be a great poet. . . . It is impossible, he [Haas] says, to speak specifically of Murnau’s contribution as a director: it is to be seen everywhere in all the great qualities of the film.” 

  • Carl Mayer
Based On
  • a script by Harriet Bloch

  • Max Lutze
  • Silent
  • with German intertitles and English subtitles
Print Info
  • Tinted/B&W
  • DCP
  • Silent
  • 81 mins
  • Munich Filmmuseum