Sunday, Jun 9, 2024
7:00 PM (125 mins)
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Saturday, Jun 29, 2024
7:00 PM (125 mins)
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Digital Restoration
Oleg Yankovsky, Domiziana Giordano, Erland Josephson, Patrizia Terreno,
“Look at [Nostalghia] as though it were the window in a train traveling through your life,” Andrei Tarkovsky advised. The film follows the itinerary of a Russian intellectual in Italy on a nebulous research project; its breathtaking procession of images parallels the protagonist’s mental state, disorientation approaching the sublime. Shot mostly in Tuscany, this is a pilgrimage to ruined but magical spaces—a remote chapel of miracles, a decrepit pool where, it is said, Saint Catherine of Siena once bathed—that suggest both the decay and the eternality of faith. Tarkovsky envisions a place where apocalypse may be imminent, but a single candle flame could save the world.
- Andrei Tarkovsky
- Tonino Guerra
- Giuseppe Lanci
- Italian
- Russian
- with English subtitles
Print Info
- B&W/Color
- 125 mins
- Kino Lorber
Event Accessibility
If you have any questions about accessibility or require accommodations to participate in this event, please contact us at bampfa@berkeley.edu or call us at (510) 642-1412 (during open hours) with as much advance notice as possible. More information on accessibility services.