CANCELED—The Pushouts

This screening has been canceled due to the UC Berkeley campus power shutdown. Please watch this page for updates on rescheduling and ticket refund information.

In Person

Victor Rios was a high school dropout, Oakland gang member, and three-time felon by age fifteen—and an award-winning professor, author, and mentor by the age of thirty-five. Filmed over more than twenty-five years, The Pushouts weaves Rios’s inspiring narrative with stories of YO! Watts, a youth center serving sixteen-to-twenty-four-year-olds who are out of school and out of work. A then-and-now tale of unusual intimacy and depth, The Pushouts trades narratives of tragedy and victimization for true stories of grit and resilience, highlighting the vast potential of young people to thrive when given access to meaningful opportunities and connections to adults who care.

  • Katie Galloway
  • Daniella Brower
  • Mario Furloni
Print Info
  • Color
  • Digital
  • 56 mins
  • Good Docs
Preceded By

The Maze

Serginho Roosblad, United States, 2017

Oakland’s notorious MacArthur Maze freeway interchange is at the center of this investigative look at urban planning, Bay Area history, and the landscapes of a city.

Print Info
  • Color
  • Digital
  • 24 mins
  • The artist