A Serious Man

In Conversation

  • Painter and writer Eric Karpeles explores the relationship between visual and verbal culture in such books as Paintings in Proust and Almost Nothing: The 20th Century Art and Life of Józef Czapski. He is a fellow of the Czesław Milosz Institute at Claremont College, the painter of The Rockefeller Chapel at The HealthCare Chaplaincy in New York, and the cocreator of The Mentaculus for A Serious Man.


Michael Stuhlbarg, Richard Kind, Sari Lennick, Fred Melamed,

Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg), a physics professor and family man, finds his once secure and rational existence threatened with existential, moral, and romantic crises. The devil, or dybbuk, is in the details, as the Coens balance philosophy and hilarity, chronicling Gopnik’s fateful trajectory. From an old-world shtetl to a mid-century Minneapolis suburb, from the Book of Job and the stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer to Jefferson Airplane and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, from mystical to secular Judaism, A Serious Man ponders the limits of human agency, reason, faith, and the meaning of life in the face of an impassive, chaotic universe.

Kate MacKay
  • Joel Coen
  • Ethan Coen
  • Roger Deakins
Print Info
  • Color
  • DCP
  • 106 mins
  • Universal Pictures