Wednesday, Aug 10, 2016
7 PM (95 mins)
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That Which Is Possible
In Person
That Which Is Possible is an intimate portrait of a community of artists, musicians, and writers who create work at the Living Museum, located on the grounds of a psychiatric center. The walls overflow with paintings, trees are adorned with sculptures, and at tables, artists intensely draw, while in a corner of the room, musicians work out a tune. One artist, who has been coming to the museum since the early nineties, describes it as his job—“I take negative energy and make it into positive energy; that is what we do here.” It is a true sanctuary.
Print Info
- Color
- Digital video
- 84 mins
- Video Data Bank
Preceded By
Phantom Museum
The Quay Brothers, United States , 2003
An imaginative exploration of Sir Henry Wellcome’s medical collection.
Print Info
- B&W/Color
- Digital video
- 11 mins
- Zeitgeist Films