Saturday, Aug 6, 2016
8 PM (109 mins)
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(Psycho), (Psyco), (Psychose)
Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin,
From its early scenes of self-censored sex in an anonymous hotel room, through Janet Leigh’s cold pursuit of hard cash, to a cop-car chase shown almost entirely in a small rear-view mirror, Psycho is a study in chilling frustration, effectively photographed in shades of gray. Ironically, things only warm up at the Bates Motel where Anthony Perkins’s Norman Bates brings the first elements of vulnerable humanity. “As for ‘psycho’ itself, that word, the name, the film turned it loose on the culture like a mad dog, and it shifted the Freudian age of potential treatment into one of licensed glee” (David Thomson).
- Joseph Stefano
Based On
The novel by Robert Bloch
- John Russell
Print Info
- B&W
- 35mm
- 109 mins
- NBC Universal
CineFiles is an online database of BAMPFA's extensive collection of documentation covering world cinema, past and present.
View Psycho documents
Psycho (review), Campus Circle, Candice Winters, 2010
Halloween free screening : Psycho (program note), AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival, Lane Kneedler, 2007
Thriller seeker (article), Village Voice, Robert E. Kapsis, 1992
Hitchcock: the master of suspense (program note), Stanford Theatre, 1992
Behind the curtain (article), Memories, Stephen Rebello, 1990
The women who knew too much -- excerpt (book excerpt), Methuen & Co., Tania Modleski, 1988
The last days of Alfred Hitchcock (article), Esquire, David Freeman, 1982
Psycho (program note), Los Angeles International Film Exposition, Richard Whitehall, 1981
The lost films of Alfred Hitchcock (article), New West, Michael Goodwin, 1981
Michael Powell (article), Films In Review, William K. Everson, 1980
Displaying 10 of 38 publicly available documents.