Thursday, Jun 1, 2023
4 - 7 PM
Five Tables of Journeys
Five Tables will go on hiatus until further notice following this program.
There are commutes, trips, travels, tours, and jaunts, all of which get us from one place to another in reasonable shape and with memories fraught or pleasant. But somehow a journey, no matter how long or short, implies something more, something substantial and maybe even transformational. In East Asia, a perfect format for artistic journeying is the handscroll, with landscapes or narratives unrolling before our eyes. Three wonderful examples are on view in this iteration of Five Tables: Wang Wen’s sixteenth-century The Eighteen Arhats Crossing the Sea; the seventeenth-century Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang by Kano Yasunobu; and Michael Cherney’s atmospheric, photographic Yuezhou (Procession of Ships) from 2013–14.
Event Accessibility
If you have any questions about accessibility or require accommodations to participate in this event, please contact us at bampfa@berkeley.edu or call us at (510) 642-1412 (during open hours) with as much advance notice as possible. More information on accessibility services.