Saturday, Oct 14, 2023
11:30 AM
Gallery + Studio: Berkeley—The City and Its People
For ages 6–12 with accompanying adult(s)
Workshop led by
Jill McLennan documents her constantly changing urban environment in paintings and mixed-media artworks that explore history, industry, and urban nature, imbued with a hopeful, futuristic vision. She is the director of JMAC: Jill McLennan Arts & Community and a member of the artist-run Mercury 20 Gallery in Oakland.
When the artist Romare Bearden visited Berkeley in the early 1970s, he explored and documented his surroundings and created a collage depicting Berkeley as a diverse and beautiful city. This collage, which you’ll see in BAMPFA’s gallery, was the design for a mural that adorned the walls of Berkeley’s City Hall for many years. With artist Jill McLennan, use drawing and collage to explore what your city and neighborhood mean to you. How do we express our pride in where we live while balancing the reality of diverse human experience through art making?
Event Accessibility
If you have any questions about accessibility or require accommodations to participate in this event, please contact us at bampfa@berkeley.edu or call us at (510) 642-1412 (during open hours) with as much advance notice as possible. More information on accessibility services.