The Global Lives Project is a video library of life experience created by the Global Lives Collective, a loose-knit network of filmmakers, photographers, translators, and everyday people from around the world. These collaborators curate an ever-expanding collection of films that faithfully capture twenty-four continuous hours in the lives of individuals around the globe. The project explores the diversity of human experience through the medium of video and encourages discussion, reflection, and inquiry about the wide variety of cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions on this planet. Ultimately, Global Lives seeks to foster empathy and cross-cultural understanding.
Videos from the Global Lives Project are presented continuously on the Collection Portal digital screen on BAMPFA’s lower level, with additional screenings in Theater 2 every Friday from 5 to 8:30 p.m. between November 3 and December 29. Works from Global Lives will also be presented at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, and Hearst Museum of Anthropology in 2017–18.