Routed West: Twentieth-Century African American Quilts in California

June 8, 2025—November 30, 2025

Routed West: Twentieth-Century African American Quilts in California traces the flow and flourishing of quilts in the context of the Second Great Migration. These quilts explore the medium’s unique capacity for connecting kin across time and space, holding memory and ancestral knowledge, and opening up space for beauty and ingenuity.

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  • Cora Lee Hall Brown: Untitled (String Medallion with newspaper backing), c. 1970; 83 x 73 in; Bequest of the Eli Leon Living Trust, BAMPFA. Photo: Kevin Candland

  • Susan Pless: Untitled (Strip), before 1944; 82 x 75 in; Bequest of the Eli Leon Living Trust, BAMPFA. Photo: Kevin Candland

  • Alice Neal: Mary Bright Commemorative Quilt, 1956; 78 1⁄2 x 62 3⁄4 in.; Bequest of the Eli Leon Living Trust, BAMPFA. Photo: Kevin Candland

  • Emma Hall: Untitled (Double Wedding Ring), c. 1940; 71 x 71 1⁄2 in.; Bequest of the Eli Leon Living Trust, BAMPFA. Photo: Kevin Candland

  • Elizabeth Munn: Untitled (Roman Stripe Medallion); 80 1⁄2 x 70 in.; Bequest of the Eli Leon Living Trust, BAMPFA. Photo: Kevin Candland

  • Kitty Gladys Jones: pieced before 1970; Atleaver Jones: quilted c. 1978. Untitled (Square in a Square), 84 x 69 in.; Bequest of the Eli Leon Living Trust, BAMPFA. Photo: Kevin Candland

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