When All That Is Solid Melts into Air

March 4–November 1, 2020

Featuring Indian folk art as well as less traditional forms, this exhibition tells the story of the momentous social and artistic transformations that unfolded in the relationship between the “modern” and the “folk” in India after 1947.

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  • Gauri Gill and Rajesh Vangad: A Seed's Journey, 2019, from the series Fields of Sight, 2013–ongoing; acrylic paint on archival pigment print; 42 x 62 in.; BAMPFA, museum purchase. © Gauri Gill and Rajesh Vangad.

  • Baua Devi: Untitled, 1983; watercolor; 21 1/4 x 29 1/2 in.; BAMPFA, museum purchase.

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