Wednesday, Feb 20, 2019
7 PM (75 mins)
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Dusk Chorus
In Person
Richard Lerman is professor of sound, media, and digital arts at Arizona State University. He will introduce his short film, Arctic Transitions: In the Age of Carbon.
For decades, the Italian sound artist and composer David Monacchi has made recordings of biodiverse regions as part of his Fragments of Extinction project, with the dual purpose of saving these unique soundscapes and creating his own compositions. In Dusk Chorus, his high-tech fieldwork in the equatorial rainforests of the Amazon is documented by filmmakers Saravanja and D’Emilia. A tree emits a new sound due to drought; a bird call that fits a certain sound spectrum is no longer picked up—nature out of balance can be heard as well as seen.
- Italian
- Spanish
- English
- with English subtitles
Print Info
- Color
- 62 mins
- ZeLIG School for Documentary
Preceded By
Arctic Transitions: In the Age of Carbon
Richard Lerman, United States, 2016–18
A response to climate change, these recordings made in the Arctic with piezoelectric devices amplify vibrations of carbon rods, ice, grass, trees, and rocks.
Print Info
- Color
- Digital file
- 11 mins
- Richard Lerman
Additional Info
- Single-channel screening version