Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
6:30 PM (134 mins)
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May December
Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, Charles Melton, Cory Michael Smith,
An unsettling power play of shifting perspectives, reflections, and performances based on Samy Burch’s Academy Award–nominated screenplay, May December chronicles the encounter between ambitious actor Elizabeth (Natalie Portman) and Gracie (Julianne Moore), the woman she is preparing to portray. A suburban homemaker, Gracie is married to Joe (Charles Melton), who was a boy of just thirteen when their scandalous relationship made tabloid news and landed her in prison. As the couple prepares to send their youngest children to college, Elizabeth interviews their friends and neighbors and spends time with the family, but the closer she gets to her subject, the more elusive Gracie proves to be.
- Samy Burch
Based On
a story by Samy Burch and Alex Mechanik
- Christopher Blauvelt
Print Info
- Color
- 117 mins
- Netflix
Followed By
Image Book
Todd Haynes, United States, 2023
Dedicated to and titled after a film by Jean-Luc Godard, Haynes’s short, commissioned for the Centre Pompidou series Où en êtes-vous? (What stage are you at?), is a fascinating catalogue of references and inspirations for May December.
Print Info
- Color
- 17 mins
- Centre Pompidou
Event Accessibility
If you have any questions about accessibility or need accommodations to attend this event, please contact us at bampfa@berkeley.edu or (510) 642-1412 (Wed–Sun, 11 AM–7 PM) as soon as you can. Advance notice helps us meet your request.
Learn more about accessibility services at BAMPFA.