
  • Introduction

    Theresa L. Geller is the lead editor of Reframing Todd Haynes: Feminism’s Indelible Mark (Duke University Press, 2022).


Oakes Fegley, Millicent Simmonds, Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams,

Based on Brian Selznick’s novel of the same title, Wonderstruck tells the intersecting stories of two courageous deaf children who run away to New York City fifty years apart. Beautifully shot by Edward Lachman, each story is told in the cinematic language of the era represented. The story of Rose, set in 1927 and shot on black-and-white film stock, has a score but no dialogue, while Ben’s tale, set in 1977, employs saturated Polaroid hues. The film cuts back and forth in time as Ben and Rose deal with loss and longing on their respective journeys and find friendship and self-realization along the way.

Kate MacKay
  • Brian Selznick
Based On
  • Brian Selznick's novel Wonderstruck

  • Edward Lachman
Print Info
  • Color
  • DCP
  • 117 mins
  • Amazon Studios

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