Saturday, Apr 27, 2024
11:30 AM (89 mins)
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“This is a film about a path,” says director Oskar Alegría (Zumiriki) near the opening of this playful and poetic documentary about disappearing practices, among other wide-ranging concerns. The journey begins with his father’s ancient Super 8 camera, which, surprisingly, still works, though it no longer records sound. In order to make every moment count—a reel is only a little over three minutes long—Alegría brings this camera on a scenic shepherding route traversed by his grandfather. Armed with this antique machine and alongside an elegant and unforgettable donkey named Paolo, the filmmaker pays attention to the glorious natural beauty of rural Spain with a discerning and often wryly amusing eye. And, as each celluloid reel fades to black, his lyrical voice-over muses on light, history, old traditions, and capturing voices from the past.
- Oskar Alegría
- Spanish
- with English subtitles
Print Info
- Color
- 89 mins
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