Viv Qiu: Perhaps the Real Avant-Garde Is the Friends We Made Along the Way

In this talk, artist Viv Qiu explores the world-building potential of making experimental, critical, speculative art. When experimental artists make subversive work, they also make beacons for radical community and sow seeds for collective action. Join Viv Qiu in celebrating artfulness and storytelling as serendipitous tools for finding collaborators.

Qiu is a professional generalist based in the Bay Area, co-parented by Chinese immigrants and the internet. They work at micro and macro scales, shifting between object and theory, aesthetic and systemic. They are a zealot for the experimental, the weird, the speculative, the absurd. With ties to industrial design, research, curation, and creative direction, Qiu has made a home in concept as their core medium. Founder of Output Field, they dedicate all parts of their practice to redistributing clout.