Thursday, Oct 8, 2020
12 PM
Amor Muñoz: Bits and Threads
Amor Muñoz (@amormunozm) combines older craft traditions with the interactivity of social media and open-source software development. Her work involves textiles, performance, drawing, sound, and experimental electronics, exploring the relationship between technology and society, creating a new technical context for manual labor, and giving a warm radiance to cold code and diagrams. She is interested in how technology affects manufacturing systems and how manual labor and crafts change in a contemporary global economy. Her research focuses on the history of technology, language systems, technological obsolescence, crafts, and production systems. In this talk, she discusses past projects—including her mobile factories, textile memories, and tangible music interfaces—and materializes new sounds with crafts on the fly.
Muñoz studied at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, and her art has been exhibited in museums, galleries, and festivals around the world. She received an honorable mention in hybrid art at the 2012 Prix Ars Electronica and the New Face Award at the 2013 Japan Media Arts Festival.
Participants and topics are subject to change; visit Berkeley Arts + Design (artsdesign.berkeley.edu) for the most up-to-date series information.