Thursday, Oct 29, 2020
12 PM
Purin Phanichphant: Right Place, Right Action, Right Time
With roots in Northern Thailand, where he spent part of his life as a Buddhist monk, and a background in design and human-computer interaction, Purin Phanichphant (@purin.co) exhibits a deep interest in the intersection of technology and mindfulness. His mesmerizing designs and installations depict a world of brilliant imagination, and they remind us to pause, play, touch, and take joy in simplicity. Join Phanichphant for a discussion about how he uses rapid prototyping, virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) to push emerging technologies to their most peaceful and contemplative extremes; the ways his careful design choices trade spectacle for substance; and how the tools themselves influence his aesthetics.
Phanichphant is a lecturer at UC Berkeley and a San Francisco–based artist and designer. He has worked as a principal product designer at IDEO San Francisco and has taught design courses at Stanford University and General Assembly.
Participants and topics are subject to change; visit Berkeley Arts + Design (artsdesign.berkeley.edu) for the most up-to-date series information.