Saturday, Feb 8, 2020
3 PM
Roundtable Reading: One-Third Nerd by Gennifer Choldenko
Recommended for ages 8 & up (younger kids welcome as listeners)
Reading led by
Suzy Mead is a librarian at Washington Elementary School in Berkeley.
Liam lives in the Bay Area with his mom and two younger sisters: Dakota, who is fascinated by science and has a big personality but struggles to make friends, and Izzy, a child with Down syndrome, who makes friends easily. Dad lives across town, but he’s over a lot. And then there’s Cupcake, their loveable German shepherd, who lately has a problem—she’s peeing in the house. Can the kids make enough money to take her to the vet before their landlord finds out and makes them get rid of her?
About Roundtable Reading
Young readers are invited to read the beginning of a good book aloud in BAMPFA’s convivial Reading Room, and pick up a copy to continue reading at home. No advance sign-up needed; just show up at three o’clock, ready to read!